Amyloid Load

The global amyloid-b (Ab) burden in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is routinely quantified from static amyloid PET scans using the mean cortical standardised uptake value ratio (SUVr). Invicro introduced a novel outcome measure amyloid load (AbL) together with an algorithm to calculate and investigate whether AbL provides an increase in power over SUVr (Figure 1).

Applied to an ADNI dataset, the cross-sectional analysis AbL produced greater effect sizes between all ADNI disease classifications when compared to mean cortical SUVr with a mean increase of 56%. For a clinical trial of an anti-Ab therapeutic with N=100 subjects (50 placebo and 50 drug), this would result in AbL having a substantial increase in power to detect changes in the global Ab burden.

Amyloid Load (AmyloidIQ) outperforms other amyloid quantification algorithms for both stratification of subjects into clinical trials and monitoring of therapies in interventional studies.

Figure 1

Whittington A & Gunn RN, J Nucl Med. 2019 Apr;60(4):536-540
Whittington A, Sharp DJ, Gunn RN, J Nucl Med. 2018 May;59(5):822-827